Night camping is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the stars. To add some excitement and entertainment to your night camping trip, why not play some games? From classic campfire games like charades to flashlight tag, there are plenty of nighttime camping games that will keep you laughing long into the night. Here are some ideas for easy and fun night camping games that you can try on your next outdoor adventure.
1. Campfire charades
This classic game is perfect for getting the whole group involved! Everyone takes turns acting out clues that the other players have to guess. It’s sure to get everyone laughing- and when you’re playing in the dark, it makes it even more fun! One of the main benefits of campfire charades is that you can play it with any size group. Just ensure you have a few extra clues in case people get stuck.
2. Flashlight tag
This game is a twist on the classic game of tag, but instead of running around in the dark, you use flashlights to guide your way! One player is “it,” and they try to tag the other players with their flashlight. It’s an excellent game for kids, but adults can also get in on the fun!
3. Star Gazing
When camping under the stars, why not take some time to appreciate them? Everyone can gather around and try to spot constellations, planets, and other celestial bodies. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try to find some meteor showers!

4. Scavenger Hunt
This nighttime game is perfect for exploring the outdoors! Everyone splits into teams and each team is given a list of items to find. The first team that finds all the items on the list wins!
Scavenger hunts in the dark are enjoyable because you never know what you will stumble upon. Make sure everyone has a flashlight so they can easily see what they’re looking for!
Related: Lighting Ideas For Camping
5. Ghost stories
This night camping game will get everyone in the mood for some spooky fun. Everyone takes turns telling a story, and when all the stories are finished, you can decide which one was most frightening! Just make sure that no one gets too scared, as this isn’t really a game for younger kids.
6. 20 questions
This is a great game to get everyone’s minds working. One person thinks of an object or person, and the other players have to guess what it is by asking 20 yes or no questions. It’s great for people of all ages and can provide hours of entertainment!
7. Never have I ever
This game is a favorite among adults but can also be played by kids old enough to understand the concept.
One person starts off with a statement beginning with “Never have I ever…” and then everyone else has to say whether they have or haven’t done the thing mentioned in the statement. It’s an excellent way to understand each other better and learn interesting facts about your friends.
8. Alien Invasion
For a truly out-of-this-world experience, why not try Alien Invasion? Everyone divides into two teams; one is “the invaders”, and the other is “the defenders.” The invaders have to run around in the dark trying to find the defenders, while the defenders have to hide and avoid being spotted.
9. Truth or dare
If you’re feeling brave, why not take on the ultimate nighttime game: Truth or Dare? Everyone takes turns choosing between telling a truth or doing a dare. It can be as tame or wild as you like, but it’s sure to get everyone laughing and having fun. Just make sure that everyone is comfortable before you start playing!

10. Shadow Puppets
This is one of the most creative games to play while camping at night! All you need are a few flashlights and some cardboard cutouts (or your hands!) and you’re ready to go. Everyone takes turns creating their own shadow puppet characters, and then they can either tell stories or act out scenes. It’s a great way to bring some imagination and creativity into the night!
11. Card games
Card games like Go Fish, Uno, and Poker are all classic camping games that can be easily adapted for the night. All you need is a deck of cards and your creativity! It’s the perfect way to pass the time in between other activities or if you just want to take a break from exploring.
12. I spy
I Spy is a classic game that’s ideal for camping at night. One person picks an object and then everyone else has to try and guess what it is. It’s especially fun playing in the dark because you can only use your sense of sight! Try to pick easily discernible objects, like stars or shapes in the night sky.
13. Smartphone games
Many apps can provide hours of entertainment and even more when played in the dark! Make sure to keep the light from your phone to a minimum so it doesn’t distract other campers. Minimum light will also protect your eyes.

14. Marco Polo
This is one of the best nigh time camping games. It is played in the dark or with a flashlight. One person is “it,” and they have to close their eyes while the other players are scattered around the area.
The person who is “it” has to try and find everyone else by calling out, “Marco!” and the other players have to answer back with “Polo!” It’s a great way to practice your navigational skills and it can be quite thrilling in the dark!
15. Red light, green light
Red light, Green Light is a classic game perfect for camping at night. One person is the “stoplight,” and they stand at one end of the area while everyone else stands at the other end.
The stoplight calls out, “Green light!” and everyone runs towards them, but if they call out, “Red light!” everyone has to stop. Whoever makes it the furthest without getting caught is the winner!
16. Simon says
Simon Says is one of the most popular night camping games. One person stands in front and calls out actions, like “Jump!” or “Spin Around!” Everyone else has to follow the instructions, but only if they start with “Simon says…” If someone does an action without the “Simon says…” they’re out! It’s a great way to get everyone moving and having a good time.
17. Campfire songs
One of the best things to do while camping at night is to gather around the campfire and sing some songs! It allows you to bond with your fellow campers, plus it can help keep everyone warm. Classic songs like “This Land is Your Land” or “Kumbaya” are always popular, but you can also make up your own songs to suit the occasion.

18. Murder in the dark
This is one of the more intense night camping games, and it’s a great way to get everyone involved. One person is “the murderer,” and they have to silently move around while everyone else calls out “murderer!” If someone gets caught by the murderer, they’re out. The last person standing is the winner!
19. Two truths and a lie
If you are into night camping games, you will love Two trusths And A Lie. Everyone takes turns telling two truths and one lie about themselves, and then everyone else has to guess which statement is the lie.
These are just a few fun night camping games you can play under the stars! Whether you’re looking for something educational, spooky, or just plain silly, one of these games is sure to fit the bill. Have fun out there!