Graphic with the text: Awesome Camping Quotes

81+ Awesome Camping Quotes For Outdoor Lovers

Camping is a cherished activity that allows us to reconnect with nature, escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, and create lasting memories with loved ones. And what better way to capture the essence of camping than through the power of words? In this post, we have curated a collection of 77 awesome camping quotes that will resonate with outdoor lovers. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, motivation, or simply a reminder of the beauty of nature, these quotes will ignite your wanderlust and evoke a sense of wander and wonder. Let’s get started:

Quotes About Camping

Here are some popular quotes about camping:

  1. “I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery. Air, mountains, trees, people. I thought: this is what it is to be happy.” – Sylvia Plath
  2. “A world without huge regions of total wilderness would be a cage; a world without lions and tigers and vultures and snakes and elk and bison would be – will be – a human zoo. A high-tech slum.” ― Edward Abbey
  3. “The wilderness holds answers to questions we have not yet learned to ask.” – Nancy Wynne Newhall
  4. “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity.” – John Muir
  5. “The farther one gets into the wilderness, the greater is the attraction of its lonely freedom.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  6. “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir
  7. “Wilderness is not a luxury but necessity of the human spirit.” – Edward Abbey
  8. “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my sense put in order.” – John Burroughs
  9. “The camp is the space that is opened when the state of exception begins to become the rule.” – Giorgio Agamben
  10. “Going to the mountains is going home.” – John Muir
  11. “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” – Alice Walker
  12. “It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.” – Dave Barry

Funny Camping Quotes

Here are some camping quotes that will make your fellow campers chuckle:

13. “Camping is nature’s way of promoting the motel business.” – Dave Barry

14. “The stars were better company anyway. They were very beautiful, and they almost never snored.” – David Eddings

15. “I married a woman who loves to camp, and I am what you would call indoorsy… My wife always brings up, ‘Camping’s a tradition in my family.’ Hey, it was a tradition in everyone’s family ’til we came up with the house.” – Jim Gaffigan

16. “Camping is the art of getting filthy while pretending to be a hippie.” – Anonymous

17. “I got into an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That’s a bad place for an argument, because then I tried to walk out and slammed the flap. How are you supposed to express your anger in this situation? Zipper it up really quick?” – Mitch Hedberg

18. “Campgrounds are never comfortable. They are merely less awful than other options. In normal circumstances, if told that the nearest available toilet was half a mile away, up a dirt path frequented by animals in gastric distress, one would lock the doors and speed to civilization. When a tent or camper is involved, one is jubilant. At least this site had flush toilets!” – Thomm Quackenbush

19. “Camping is where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person.” -Anonymous.

20. “Camping is the art of getting closer to nature while getting farther away from the nearest restroom.” – Anonymous

21. “Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing every year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.” – Jack Handey

22. “Camping is my excuse to drink more wine than usual and not be judged.” – Anonymous

23. “There is nothing worse, after days of falling asleep by a babbling brook and waking up to a choir chirping birds, than to go inside a house with insulated walls and an obstructive roof. This torturous invention, a cage, a box, prevents you from seeing or hearing anything of natural importance. Make time to free yourself and find a bit of nature.” – Katherine Keith

24. “My tent doesn’t look like much but, as an estate agent might say, it is air-conditioned and has an exceptional location.” – Fennel Hudson

25. “The great thing about camping is that you get to smell like a campfire instead of a perfume counter.” -Anonymous

26. “Camping: where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person.” -Anonymous

27. “Camping is the only time it’s acceptable to sit in a chair and stare at a fire for hours.” – Anonymous

28. “The campfire is nature’s TV. It has a warm season and a rerun season.” -Anonymous

Graphic with text for the quote: "The campfire is nature's TV. It has a warm season and a rerun season." -Anonymous

Family Camping Quotes

Check out some fantastic camping family quotes:

29. “Camping with family is one of the best things you can do in your life.” – Unknown

30. “Nothing beats sitting around the campfire with your family on a starry night.”- Unknown.

31. “Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong.” – George Carlin

Related: Best Camping Pick Up Lines

32. “There is nothing worse, after days of falling asleep by a babbling brook and waking up to a choir chirping birds, than to go inside a house with insulated walls and an obstructive roof. This torturous invention, a cage, a box, prevents you from seeing or hearing anything of natural importance. Make time to free yourself and find a bit of nature.” – Katherine Keith

33. “Light a campfire and everyone’s a storyteller.” – John Geddes

Camping Friends Quotes

Check out some quotes you can share with your camping friends:

34. “How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a campfire?” – Christy Whitehead

35. “The wok is one of my favorite things to work with when I’m camping. Outdoor cooking is not just about hot dogs and hamburgers. There are so many styles of food you can make.” – Guy Fieri

36. “Roses are red, mud is brown, the woods are better than any night on the town.” – Earl Dibbles Jr.

37. “It is easier to throw sticks on the campfire than to try to restart it when it goes out.” – Cynthia Lewis

38. “What a joy it is to feel the soft, springy earth under my feet once more, to follow grassy roads that lead to ferny brooks where I can bathe my fingers in a cataract of rippling notes, or to clamber over a stone wall into green fields that tumble and roll and climb into riotous gladness!” – Helen Keller

Related: Tips For Camping At Night

Camping Love Quotes

39. “If you can survive camping with someone, you should marry them on the way home.” – Yvonne Prinz

40. “Not just beautiful, though – the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me.” – Haruki Murakami

41. “The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness.” – Henry David Thoreau

42. “The man who goes afoot, prepared to camp anywhere and in any weather, is the most independent fellow on earth.” – Horace Kephart

43. “I went camping in the Maasai Mara and we moved site every night. I had no idea how spectacular it would be, how removed from ordinary life, or how many animals we would see.” ― Georgina Chapman

Best Camping Quotes

Here is a list of the top camping quotes:

44. “I just want to live in a world of mountains, coffee, campfires, cabins, and golden trees, and run around with a camera and notebook, learning the inner workings of everything real.” Victoria Erickson

45. “You don’t have to say everything to be a light. Sometimes a fire built on a hill will bring interested people to your campfire.” – Shannon L. Alder

46. “Now I see the secret of making the best person; it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.” Walt Whitman

47. “Whatever form it takes, camping is earthy, soul-enriching and character-building, and there can be few such satisfying moments as having your tent pitched and the smoke rising from your campfire as the golden sunsets on the horizon, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment before the rain spoils everything” – Pippa Middleton

48. “Another thing I like to do is sit back and take in nature. To look at the birds, listen to their singing, go hiking, camping and jogging and running, walking along the beach, playing games and sometimes being alone with the great outdoors. It’s very special to me.” Larry Wilcox

49. “A perfect day would be to get into the car, drive out to Yosemite and go camping.” Michael Steger

50. “There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton

Inspirational Camping Quotes

Check out some inspirational camping quotes:

51. “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books.” – John Lubbock

52. “When you’re down on your luck and you’ve lost all your dreams, there’s nothing like a campfire and a can of beans.” – Tom Waits

53. “Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.” – Laurie Anderson

54. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep…” – Robert Frost

55. “To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” – Terry Tempest Williams

56. “My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature.” – Claude Monet

57. “Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.” – Lorraine Anderson

58. “We can never have enough of nature.” – Henry David Thoreau

59. “Being amongst the tall trees listening to the birds chirping feels me with a lot of joy.” – Unknown

60. “A bad day at a campground is still better than a bad day at the workplace.” – Unknown

61. “Leave the road, take the trails.” – Pythagoras

62. “In a cool solitude of trees, where leaves and birds a music spin, mind that was weary is at ease, new rhythms in the soul begin.” – William Kean Seymour

63. “If you would experience a landscape, you must go alone into it and sit down somewhere quietly and wait for it to come in its own good time to you.” ― Paul Gruchow

64. “In the wild world, relationship is evolutionary, time is geologic, beauty is intelligent. There we find ourselves under a powerful spell.” ― Janisse Ray

Garphic of one of the camping quotes: “In the wild world, relationship is evolutionary, time is geologic, beauty is intelligent. There we find ourselves under a powerful spell.” ― Janisse Ray

Camping Memories Quotes

Here are some excellent camping memories quotes:

65. “Camping is one of the few activities where you only interact with nature.” – Unknown

66. “If you are depressed, go on a camping trip.” – Anonymous

67. “If I went on vacation, I’d rather go camping than stay in some four-star hotel.” — Travis Fimmel

68. “If you camp, you already know the secret to a happy life.” – Anonymous

69. “Before men ever dreamed of shelter, campfires were their homes.” – Sigurd Olson

Nature Camping Quotes

Check out some great nature camping quotes:

70. “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” – Khalil Gibran

71. “Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy – your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.” – Annie Leibovitz

72. “May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.” – Edward Abbey

73. “There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.” – Lord Byron

74. “For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh

75. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” – John Lubbock“Go forth under the open sky, and list To Nature’s teachings.” – William Cullen Bryant

76. “It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

77. “How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!” – Emily Dickinson

78. “Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” – Pedro Calderon de la Barca

79. “Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.” – E. O. Wilson

80. “On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.” – Jules Renard

81. “For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” – Martin Luther

82. “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” – Rabindranath Tagore

These quotes serve as a reminder to embrace the challenges and rewards that come with camping and to appreciate the simplicity and tranquility of being in nature. It also serves as a source of motivation for those who may need more time to step out of their comfort zones and explore the great outdoors.

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